



で、なんとなんと豪華な え~ゲストっていうかね、あのギタリストのブライアン・メイ様、え~Queenのギタリストね!
メイさんに え~と電話でインタビューすることが、この前できたのでそれを こ~聞かせながら話していこうと

なんか普段アタシほら、パソコンやってるとさ~インターネットで あの~記事とか出てるじゃん、日替わりの。
たいていあれ まっ見ると~自分の記事とか何かチョットやな記事だったりとか、えっ?うそ??そんなこと
もっと報道して!とか初めて思った。事柄について う~ん、いいねぇ~~んっふっふっお楽しみに♪

やっぱりこれ え~とねQUEEN ヨーロピアンツアー3月の、1979年ライブキラーズ
より、♪We will rock you♪




※文中 [ ] 内はブライアンさんが話しているときにHikkiが相槌を打つように話した言葉や笑い声を、
《 》 内はHikkiが話しているときにブライアンさんが相槌をうつように話した言葉や笑い声を意味しています。
トゥルルル・・・トゥルルル・・・ ガチャ、

Hikki (以下H): Hellow?
Brian May (以下B): Hellow.
H: Hi! This is Hikaru.
B: Hey! Hi, Hikaru… How you doing? (laugh)
H: Umm…Sorry for calling you up so early in the morning.
B: No, it’s great.
H: Did you just wake up?
B: Umm…Yes, I woke up specially for you. (laugh)
H: (laugh) Thank you…umm…What time is it over there right now?
B: It’s a…oh…it’s a good time to be up really. It’s ten thirty in the morning.
H: Woo…(laugh)
B: Yeah…It’s OK, exaggerate.
H: Thank you for making the time.
B: It’s OK…Hikaru, How are you?
H: Um…Yeah, I’m doing good.
B: Great.
H: …Yeah. It’s about eight o’clock at night right now. Ok…
B: A ha. Yeah. Are you working?
H: Yeah…I was…umm…taking my… taping some radio shows that I do.
B: All right.
H: And, umm…I got the…I got the, umm… Greatest Hits Part Ⅲ.
B: Oh…
H: Yeah…umm… For, for you, what’s the juiciest part of this, um, album?
I mean, how was it different from the most of the other two, before…?
B: (laugh) The juiciest part?
H: Yeah?
B: (laugh)
H: (laugh)
B: Yeah. (It’s) Interesting question. Umm… I guess the juiciest part
is, umm…For me, that’s the new things, you know, those [yeah] the
remix, the remix of Under Pressure.
H: Hmm.
B: Umm… which we really took a part completely and reconstructed
[yeah] around the different idea, different beat…
And, hum… and the one with Elton John, [hmm hmm] which is a live,…umm,
performance which nobody really had heard before.[ hmm… ] Probably so much
go on.
H: That’s juicy !
B: (laugh) It’s kind a juicy.
H: (laugh) Well, OK. (laugh) Cause, like, a lot of artist in Japan
release their, umm, best albums after, like, two or three yeas after
they debuted.
B: Yeah?
H: And it’s like…how can we do that, you know?
B: Yeah, you have to wait till you have enough hits, right?
H: Yeah. Oh, there are certainly a lot of hits in that album though, …well.
B: Yeah, I was surprised really. Cause I was thinking, you know, maybe
it wasn’t very good idea to put No.3 out.
H: Hmm.
B: And then everybody said, No we have this, this and this and…
And we know this idea that the Queen now we don’t have Freddy.
B: Yeah.
H: It’s a kind of refuses to die. And, umm… different things happened, you know,
they start to be interactions with other people. And [hmm] and other people
doing the songs, and asking us to participate. [yeah] Umm…So…And we
suddenly realized these things are still hits. Umm… It’s nice.
H: Yeah.
B: It’s a good feeling that people still wanna hear this, umm…something from Queen.
H: Hmm…


1~2年ぐらいで、ベスト盤が出ちゃうとか、よくある話で、それってすごいよねえって なんていうこと言ってた



宇多田ヒカルがお届けしています!トレビアン・ボヘミアーン。今日は QUEEN 特集でお届けしています。
はー、このUnder Pressure は、なんか、歌詞がすごい、なんというか現代社会を、ガッポリ捕らえ
Under Pressure~ん~。デビッド・ボウイとあの、フレディとのからみ具合がすごい気持ちよ~くて、
とってもいい Remix ですね!私もこれからシングルの Remix とかいろいろ考えているんだけど、
なかなかね Remix 難しいん・・・がんばろ。
さてみなさんから Queen に関する e-mail をいただいていますので紹介しましょう。
えー、「 Queen への思い入れ、私が」・・・あ、これだ、テーマの名前、テーマのタイトルか(笑)
って感じ。あはっ(笑) えっと、ほんとにパフォーマンスは、すごいっすよね。
やっぱり今回のツアーは一回ぐらいあれやりたいな(笑) ビデオ撮るときに多分 撮影がある時に

そしてもう一枚!大阪市の匿名希望さんより Queen への思い入れ、Σ(--;)あ!
「私の思い入れの一曲は Bohemian Rhapsody です。なぜかというと、失恋する時必ず流れているから
「と本来なら Queen 嫌いになってもおかしくないはずですが、性懲りもなく結婚式の披露宴での
キャンドルサービスの時は QUEEN の曲にて登場しました。でもさすがに Bohemian Rhapsody
ではなくIt’s Beauthifull Day にしました。だって晴れの門出にあの歌ではまずいっしょ。」
いいじゃないいじゃない♪って感じ。じゃぁその ここで本来なら、
「じゃぁ~、その Bohemian Rhapsody いきましょうか」って言いそうなんだけど、
ちょっとやっぱり縁起わる、よくないかもしれないから、そのIt’s Beauthifull Day の方を


お届けしている曲はもちろん QUEEN で IT’s A BEAUTIFUL DAY です!
結婚披露宴のキャンドルサービスで この歌ってのはなんか、イイ イイね~想像できるもんね~
カップルがこう★★   覚えておこうっと!ふふ 「ふふ」なんつって(笑)★★なったら忘れ~てるよ、絶対。
ま、いいや。お届けした曲は QUEEN で IT’s A BEAUTIFUL DAY でした。


私、宇多田ヒカルがお届けしています、トレビアン・ボヘミア~ン! QUEEN 特集いってま~す。
さて、ふんで先ほどはその、ブライアン・メイ氏のスペシャルインタビューPart 1お届けしましたが、早速これから
Part 2 をお届けしましょう!まあ、あの~Part 2 のとこでは曲作りの話とか、もっと製作に関する詳しい話を
してたん・・だけど まあお楽しみに。まあこれから聞こうね。
というわけでじゃあPart 2 お届けしましょう!どうぞ。

H: A lot of my friends know Queen’s songs a lot very well. 《 yeah? 》
And, they’re like, high school students, you know, middle school kids,
《 really? 》 it’s just, it goes on, I guess… Yeah.
B: Yeah. I’m very proud of it, very happy, you know. [hmm] And for me,
I don’t want to live in the past that’s all, you know. I like to live
in [year] what I’m doing now. But, umm…you know, I went through a
period where I thought “No I don’t wanna do about Queen ever.
I wanna [hmm] one just be me.”[hmm] And I was very keen on my sound
and stuff, and I still am. But I now have this kind of balanced view that…that
really always Queen will be there. And it’s something that we worked so hard
to create for so many years that so we were so proud. So I guess it’s good that
it’s always there.
H: Yeah, like, I’m solo artist, I mean, I start out with.《yeah》
I’ve never really worked in, like, band or group before.
B: Really? Yeah.
H: And So I don’t really know how is it to, like, I make my own
songs just alone in my room.
B: Yeah, Yeah.
H: So I never had an experience of being, like, in a band and sharing
ideas and making songs together.
B: Umm. Interesting, yeah.
H: Like The Beatles just made their different parts on their own, right?
And they just put it together. But, how was like in Queen?
B: Well, with us, it was many different ways. Umm… sometimes it was
one those who coming with an idea [hmm] , and then it would kind get
throw to the dogs and pull around [laugh] and [laugh] (laugh) you know,
chains ??????? stuff and…and then sometimes somebody, he would
have an idea in the studio, we worked to lot writings in the studio.
And some of those trying was a most creative, say, you know, Frinsis,
Freddy, Mike come and say that I have this little idea. What the
people think it would be just one line, and then I’d say “Well,
I have this interesting that little riff. Maybe these things go
together.” And then what we try to say with this song, you know,
where does it go,[yeah] what can we do. And then we would play things
all together in the studio just to see what happened. Those were very
exciting times.

んだけど その~QUEENの過去の栄光にずっと浸っていたくはないから~ それに自分のソロの活動もしてる
んだし もう二度とQUEENの話なんかしたくねー!って思ったこともあったらしいのですが、今はちゃんとした
バランス取れて すごいいい感じに あの 気持ちが落ち着いてるって話をしてて。で、アタシはほら、バンドとか
やったことないからわか・・いつも憧れがちょっとバンドに対してあって 曲作りとかもバンドの場合ってどうなのか
な~?っていつも思ってたから、それを質問してみたところ ま、QUEENの場合はもうほんとスタジオに入って
みんなで その場でレコーディングする前に作っちゃってたっていう。。あっカッコイイ~って思ったね。

もう誰かが なんか一個だけギターのリフがあって「これカッコいくない?」っつってその場で作ってっちゃうとか
そういうの、いいですねぇ♪バンド・・バンドかっこいいねっ とすごく 思った。なんかそんな突発的な アタシの

H: Yeah, I wanna start working with a lot of other peoples soon. Yeah,
cause sound like great.
B: Yeah, I think, I think, everybody has a certain amount of things
inside them. But I think very often magical things happen when you
work with someone else that you have a feeling for. [hmm] And, you know,
music, I think, is, maybe this sounds pretentious, I don’t know.
But I always think that music really is a…is kind of a conversation
[ hmm] and if you make music, [yeah] you always give you kind of
talking to someone always, you know you have a feeling in your heart
[ yeah] and, and you know just saying to the winds. You really saying
it to someone usually [ hmm] and, umm…if you’re interacting,
if you communicating, having a conversation with someone, it can be
very magical, and all different things can come out. [ Yeah] Yeah.
H: Umm… Well, when you’re being the guitarist and a writer, do you think of
the riffs as you writing a song, or does it come after every things
done and you just go,(laugh) and do it whatever.
B: All different things, I think, but usually, for me, an idea comes like maybe,
umm, some words out of a little piece of a chin.
[ hmm] And from that everything starts to flow. But there are different ways.
Every, you know, there are always different ways, like ???
we just play that in the studio. I think,[yeah] yeah, we just a…
but evolved slowly, you know. [ hmm] Umm, we were lucky with Freddy,
you know. Some singer will wait until the very end to the vocal.
But usually Freddy was in there with us [hmm]. I’m trying out of a riff which
comes to my head, Roger doing a pattern which is in his head, you know.
John is kind of looking at us and feeling out what’s happening. [hmm]
Freddy’s there, and he’s playing keyboards. And he is sort of seeing what
comes into his head, what works with the riffs, where the key going
around it. [hmm ] And so we already have an idea where the song will go.
Cause really even have a greatest riffs in the world and if you don’t
have the song, you don’t have anything.
H: Yeah.
B: You know, I think, you know, and there would be times when we would,
when things would happen in that way. But usually we will always in our minds realize that
the song with what was important.
You said that wonderful arrangement, wonderful sounds, wonderful riffs & codes anything.
But if you don’t have a song which can be song and then [hmm] you just don’t have the thing.(laugh)

そういうコラボレーションとかしてみたいなっ!て言ったら あの その彼の「コラボレーションはすごくいいよ!」
って話になって あの~これ聞いて「おっカッコエエ」って思ったのが なんか彼曰く『音楽は会話みたいなモン
だから一人だけで作ってるのもいいけど まあやっぱり大事な人とかとホントの会話しながら音楽とかを作って
いくと また素晴らしい事が起こり得る』って語ってくれて、ますます私はコラボレーションをしたくなりましたね。

ホントそういうの出来るといいんだけどな~・・で やっぱり私は 私の中ではもうブライアン・メイとフレディ・
マーキュリーってのがメインに 私の中では あって で、まあギターのリフとかとフレディのボーカルの素晴らしさ
っていうのがやっぱり表にすごく出てるワケで でもこう 世界一いいリフがあっても歌が無かったら意味ないし
世界一いいボーカルがあっても まあ他のアレンジとかなきゃダメだしっていう話をしてるの聞いてて そういう

【 FLASH 】♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪

お届けしている曲は、QUEENで、FLASHです。初めーこれ聞いた時に はっ『こんな音楽もありなんだー』とか
『こう言う楽曲があっていいんだー』と 面白かったらな~ 印象的で・・・・掛けました っと!

さて、え~ QUEEN特集でお届けしています トレビアンボヘミアンなんですが!続いてどんどん行きましょう~
え~ブライアン メイ氏の紳士的な素敵な声を沢山聞きましょう!もっと!

え~パート3ではブライアンメイ氏の自家製ギターのお話など と、あと今後の事など色々語ってくれてます。

H: I went to London about three months ago, 《yeah?》 and I loved it there.
《really》 I even thought of applying to a college in London just after that one visit.
《well》 But is it a good place to live in or…?
Do you live in London or is it, somewhere else?
B: Well, yeah, I here half live in London. Because I spent a lot my
times working, and I work in my studio which is in a country. It’s
about forty five minutes outside London. [yeah] But I want to live
with my lady friend and she wants to live in London. So we have a little
house in the middle of London.[woo] And, umm…to me, I spent almost
all my life in the central part of London when I was student and
everything, and [yeah] ,and I like to be here some of the time. But
actuary works how welled for me not to be here all time. I like to
have some air [yeah] like the trees and quite and stuff. But I think
you need a balance in your life, you know. I find this in many
things. [hmm] Cause for long time I was struggling with my lady
friend. I say “I wanna live in a country,” she goes “I wanna live in the
town.” [laugh] And then, yeah, but, in the end I realized that it’s good to have
little of each. It’s very lucky if you can [yeah] do that.
H: Do you always carry your guitars, like, wherever you go, or…?
How many guitars do you have?
B: …I don’t have very many. I don’t collect the guitar.
I collect a lot other thing. But I have quite a few copies of my guitar.
I don’t know if you know about my guitar was [yeah] home made thing.
I made it with my dad.
H: Yeah, I just heard that, like, twenty minutes ago and…
B: Really?
H: It’s shock to me. Yeah.
B: Yeah, it’s very special to me. Had particular sound, had particular [hmm] feel. And there’s really nothing like it. But I have some wonderful
copies of it now, made with great care and precision.[yeah] and that is
very good you know it sometimes I use them. But really when I pick up
my own guitar. There’s something special.[ hmm] So I try to take that
with me when I’m from working.

で あの~~私ちょっと ちょっと前にロンドンに行ったって事があったから そのー そぉ『ロンドンにちょっと
行って来たんだよ~』って言う事を言ったら~あの~だいたいどうやら、ブライアン氏は半々 ほとんどロンドン
ロンドンの中心から45分くらいの所にスタジオがあって そこで作業しているらしんだけども~あの~なんか彼は
結構もめた時期があったらしく~(笑)こんな話 聞くとなんか!あっ人間だ~ かっこいいなって思うよね!(笑)

まあ、いいや! そんで~あの~結局ぅ~今は本当に半々ぐらいで いい、バランス取れてて あの~結果!

私はでも え~ ずっと都会ばっかりだからね~田舎にもちょっと~~別荘とかな~~~柄じゃないからな~
なんか~どうしよっかな~まぁ、いいや! でもぉ~このブライアン氏の話を元にちょっと おも?おもっ 思ったね! 

あっ!忘れてた 今! あぶないあぶない!でっそのギターの話をしたんだけどぉ~なんと!じ・彼が メイが
使ってるギターは自家製で昔~若い頃に あの~お父さんと一緒に作ったらしく、そのせいで、特殊な独特の

自分で作れるってのは知らなかったね!ギターを家で 大変な作業だったみたいなんだけど、
まあ~『だからあんな音がするのか~』って、こう裏話がポロポロ ポロポロ ほっほっ!(笑)

B: So, like, last week, I was in Los Angels [a ha] and to play on The Guns & Roses record.
It’s very interesting.
H: Wow!
B: Yeah. Something very nice & different. But, hum… I just went on the
plane. And I tool my guitar with me. And [yeah] they met me the other
end. And they said “why you brought your original guitar?” And I said
“yeah”(laugh) play some important, I always wanna play on the guitar.
H: Yeah. It sounds like a vocalist type attitude toward music.
Because, like, we, we…umm, as a singer, I can’t change my vocal codes, like,
another vocal code. Just , you know, and [ right ] a lot guitarist,
like, have many many guitars. And they can always change. But, that’s
B: Yeah…Year, I very seldom play anything else. My guitar… it’s funny you
say that. Because I always wanted my guitar to be a voice. [hmm]
That was kind a my dream that the guitar would have that expression that you
would feel like someone was singing to you.
H: Year. That’s what I always felt from listening to your music.
B: Great.
H: Yeah.
B: I’m very glad. Yeah, that’s the way I want my guitar to be, you know.
I was lucky to find that.
H: Yeah. Wow…I didn’t know you could hand make guitars like that.
B: (laugh) Well, not many people do.
H: Yeah. (laugh)
B: We put a lot of time. It took us two years to make the thing.
H: That’s special…
B: Yeah, it…it’s special.(laugh)

行ったんだって!そのメインのやつ。で~ほとんど彼~そのメインのしか使わないみたいで~で それ聞いて、
うわ~なんか『歌手みたいなアプローチでえすね!』って こう ポロ~っと言ったら『ピンポン、ピンポン
大当たり~』って感じで~あ~よろ・喜こんでくれたんだけど~なんでかって~その つね!つねに~こう 僕は
こう ボーカリストみたい~声! 自分のギターが声・・歌声みたいに聞こえたらいいな~って、思いながらやって
きたから~「あっそりゃ、そりゃ嬉しい」って言ってくれて~内心『やった~やった~』って Hit Hit とかネ(笑)

あ~嬉しかった~! まあでもほんとそう言うのが特殊なギターリストなのかな~って、改めて思いましたネ!

H: When is The Guns & Roses thing coming? Is that gonna be out soon?
B: Yeah, well, it’s a long time project. They’d been really…, from the
inception I think it’s 5 years [wow] since they started making the
record. But they made many many many tracks. [yeah] And now they chosen
just a few they want to be on the first new record. And I think it’s very good
stuff. I was very impressed Axl singing fantastically. [yeah] I mean, actually such
a unique sound & style. I don’t know if you know his work very much. But…
H: Yeah, yeah, I’m their fan too, Yeah…
B: Yeah, a line is, it’s very passionate and very…[hmm] very exciting, you know.
And I was happy to play some stuff on that. I think it will be out on…,they
talked about a Spring, I think, you know, late Spring probably and
maybe they can tour in Summer.
H: Are you releasing anything new soon or …?
B: No. Not for me at the moment. Umm, I working on some long term things to,
[hmm] umm…I’m doing…, well, the big priority for me is I’m working on a film.
H: Wow!
B: But not for the music. Just for the… for the…umm…for the reason
that I think this film should be made. (laugh)
H: (laugh) Well, that’s a good reason though.
B: Yeah, it’s just…, me and my friend are working on an idea for a film about…
North American Indians.
H: Umm..
B: And this something which’s been in my mind for a long time. It’s a real passion.
H: Yeah.
B: And we feel, yeah, we feel that the story has to be told. And it’s
kind of…oh, I can’t say too much about it.
H: Yeah.
B: But it’s just say it’s based on a feeling that, that, the people should
really know the truth, you know [hmm] about history, these things.
H: I’ll be looking forward to that. Yeah.
B: Yeah.
H: And do you have a message for the people listening to the program?
B: Yeah.(laugh) I’ll be excited the that I am.
H: Yeah. (laugh)
B: But, Hikaru & I can meet on telephone. I have to meet you in person
before too long.
H: Yeah.
B: But the people out there, umm…. thank you for listening to us, you know,
for always time. We have so many wonderful friends in Japan every time.
It’s been a while since we’d been there. I got this is homesick feeling.
I wanna be, just be in the street of Japan. And I play there again.
So I hope that will happen before too long.
H: Yeah. I hope I can see you in persons soon eventually.
B: Yeah.
H: Yeah.
B: Yeah.
H: Where London, Japan,
B: Yeah.
H: Yeah.
B: Definitely.
H: Thank you for taking the time out for this.
B: Well, Congratulations on doing so fantastically well with it, brilliant success.
H: Thank you.
B: Yeah.
H: Yeah.
B: OK, let us…we’ll meet soon, ha?
H: Yeah. OK.
B: OK.
H: Thank you.
B: You are very welcome. Bye.
H: Bye.
B: Good luck.

あ~~ブライアン行かないで~ってこん時~もう少し~話そう~なんて、ちょっと ウフ 思ったりして!
まあ、春の終わりぐらいに出るかも知れないって、言うぐらいの まだ未定らしんだけども~

なんか映画を~ 映画って言うかなんて言うか?フィルム?を作っていて~ドキュメンタリーなのかな?
映画なのかな?まだわからないんだけど!とにかく 映像方面の事に今、手を入れてて ん? やっていて 
で~なんか えーとなが・長年の思い入れであったネイティブアメリカンの人達の話と!話らしんだけども!
なんか 友人と作ってて こう 信実をもっと広めたい! あんまり詳しくはないんだけど~って、言ってて 
なんか えっなになに~~ってちらっちらって話聞くと~すごい気になる~じゃないの~半年って~

あっし それそれで~あの ファンに・・日本のファンにメッセージは?
ちゃんと聞いときましたよ~ へっへっ

友達も日本にもいるし~日本のファンもねすごく~すきっ・好きって言ったら変だけどネ~なんか 『近さを感じて

『Oh-Yes Yes』なんて言ってくれて(笑)『やった~やった~』 まあだからそのうち まあ、逢えたらいいですね~っ
と言って『大成功おめでとう』っと言ってくれました。うん~~で、そう言う訳で~それじゃ、バ~イ グッドラックって
感じで話が終わったんですネ~フッ~ よかったな~話せて~嬉しかったな~

じゃ~楽曲の方行きましょうか! RADIO GA GA どうぞ~


えへへ、来週のThis week Top 2のコーナーは、あの~この番組始まってから初かな?
邦楽Top2をテーマにお届けします!邦楽の中から選んで、こう・・・ お楽しみに!!

FAXの方は03-3447-8188「王さん 三振しなや 嫌や~~」


今日のラスト・ナンバーはもちろん、♪We are the Champions♪でしょう!!
どうなんでしょ?いいか悪いかわかんないんだけど 歌はホントにいいね!!
さてじゃあ それでは!『WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS』をお届けしながら
Don’t waste your time!

【WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS】♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪